Wednesday, March 30, 2011

New Items; Second Blog!

I've created another blog that is for all of the different types of upcycled projects (or, as my husband calls them, bullsh-- projects) that I am always pursuing.  These items, for the most part, will be placed in my new shop in the antique mall called UpDo.  That's why the blog is

The latest post on UpDo are the Easter baskets I've made after reading the tutorial on Resweater's blog.  Mine follow the style she posted last year.  Warning!  Creating them can become addictive.  You can't make just one.

These, of course, were all made from felted (fulled) wool sweaters.

But, the other project that had me thinking "outside the sweater" was a vintage storage ottoman I picked up at Goodwill for $8.00.  It was the classic late 50's vinyl - but with a cigarette burn on top.  It was on four wooden legs and the lid lifts to reveal a pocketed lining.  Once again, I failed to take a before picture!

I decided that I would use sweaters to recover it.  The first thing I did, though, was unscrew those awful legs and spray paint them silver (have I mentioned how much I love spray paint???).  I covered the top with a poly cotton blend sweater with a rough texture that reminds me of popcorn.  The original lid to the ottoman was tufted with a button in the center.  I decided to make mine appear more modern by overstuffing the top.  I added some fiberfill from my stash and got out the staple gun.  I covered the bottom portion of it with a lightweight lambswool sweater in a complimentary stripe.  I took the waistband and cuffs from that sweater, stitched them into one giant band, and hand sewed it onto the ottoman's lid.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

UpDo Shoppe

So, I've decided to open a bricks & mortar store front - well, sort of.  It will start as just booth space in an antique/flea market mall.  I plan to call it UpDo and will sell all things upcycled or recycled.  What do you think of the name?  I'd love to hear your thoughts!

I have been busy making as many things as possible, including the objects that will hold all of my items.  I want everything in there to be green!  One of my projects is a sweater project, though.  I'm nearly finished and will post pictures soon.  It is a vintage 50's storage ottoman with legs.  It was the typical off white vinyl with plane wooden legs and a cigarette burn on top.  Not anymore!

Aarrgghh!  Once again, in my haste to get started reinventing an item, I failed to take before pictures.  When will I ever learn?  Well, regardless, now it is awesome (if I may say so myself!).  I used sweaters to recover it!  I used one black and white, bumpy knit sweater on the lid that has hinges and lifts up.  I added some stuffing under it to give more of a pillowed look than it was previously.  I used a black and white striped lambs wool sweater to recover the base of the ottoman.  Then I used the waistband from one sweater to go around the edges of the top part.  I spray painted (have I mentioned how much I love spray paint???) the legs silver.  I can't wait  to see it all put back together!  I just have to finish hand sewing the waistband on and screw the legs back.  Then I WILL take pictures and post them!

I've also opened a new Etsy site that is strictly upcycled items that will be in the shop.  You can find it under UpDo Shoppe, too!  Wish me luck!!!