So, I've decided to open a bricks & mortar store front - well, sort of. It will start as just booth space in an antique/flea market mall. I plan to call it UpDo and will sell all things upcycled or recycled. What do you think of the name? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
I have been busy making as many things as possible, including the objects that will hold all of my items. I want everything in there to be green! One of my projects is a sweater project, though. I'm nearly finished and will post pictures soon. It is a vintage 50's storage ottoman with legs. It was the typical off white vinyl with plane wooden legs and a cigarette burn on top. Not anymore!
Aarrgghh! Once again, in my haste to get started reinventing an item, I failed to take before pictures. When will I ever learn? Well, regardless, now it is awesome (if I may say so myself!). I used sweaters to recover it! I used one black and white, bumpy knit sweater on the lid that has hinges and lifts up. I added some stuffing under it to give more of a pillowed look than it was previously. I used a black and white striped lambs wool sweater to recover the base of the ottoman. Then I used the waistband from one sweater to go around the edges of the top part. I spray painted (have I mentioned how much I love spray paint???) the legs silver. I can't wait to see it all put back together! I just have to finish hand sewing the waistband on and screw the legs back. Then I WILL take pictures and post them!
I've also opened a new Etsy site that is strictly upcycled items that will be in the shop. You can find it under UpDo Shoppe, too! Wish me luck!!!
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